ACT Together

Create a community action plan and take action community-wide to become dementia friendly.  This phase consists of four key steps.

Step 1: Share Assessment Findings with the Community

After identifying top priorities in the Analyze phase, the community event team plans a community presentation.  The presentation should update the community on the Action Team’s work, report the community assessment results, and engage community members on potential activities.  Use this event to recruit more Action Team members. 

Tools for Step 1

Step 2: Create a Community Action Plan

Review all input from the community event and brainstorm actions for the priority areas. Consider available resources (people, funding, time, level of effort) and select the actions that your community can realistically accomplish in the designated timeframe. 

As a team, use the Creating a Community Action Plan – Workplan and Budget template to create a community action plan that includes objectives, activities, lead person or responsible organization and the target date for completion. Include potential expenses.  Brainstorm possible funding sources and whether to seek grant funds. Share the Call to Action and MN Communities are ACTing on Alzheimer’s with funders and include the content in a grant application.  

Tools for Step 2

Step 3: Communicate about Your Action Plan

Inform the community of your actions and plan for becoming dementia friendly.  Include the media, people who participated in the community assessment, and those who attended the community event.  

Tools for Step 3

Step 4: Implement the Plan

Identify team members who have specific skills, knowledge, expertise or connections to help implement the action plan.  Revisit the Master Contact List and responses to the Project Involvement Questions from Phase 3 to identify others who can help implement the plan. Consider forming sub-groups based on priorities and planned objectives. Continue to hold Action Team meetings to provide updates on progress and keep members engaged.

While implementing the plan, document your milestones and accomplishments as a way to inform stakeholders and community members. Consider holding a focus group or community conversation to gain new ideas for your community.

Communication Tips

Tools for Step 4

Additional Resources

Would you like to learn from the experience of others?

More than 60 communities have used the Dementia Friendly Toolkit in their communities and have completed evaluations. We are happy to make them available to you upon request.

The Dementia-Friendly Communities Toolkit is informed by research and is flexible and adaptable to a community’s needs. The University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality was a key resources for creating the toolkit and continues to be a valuable source for information and support.

The ACT on Alzheimer's® Dementia Friendly Communities Toolkit, provider practice tools, dementia training, and related resources may be reproduced, adapted, or both when these restrictions are followed:

  • Acknowledgment of ACT on Alzheimer's must appear in print and online.  Use this citation: Reproduced (or Adapted) from ACT on Alzheimer's® developed tools and resources.
  • ACT on Alzheimer's® developed tools and resources cannot be sold in their original form or in a modified/adapted form.