For Dental Providers

ACT on Alzheimer’s and our partners strive to increase the capacity of dental providers to care for the growing number of older adults living with dementia and to support their care partners. You will find training packages and resources for the entire dental team (DDS, DH, DT, DA and administrative staff).

These training resources have been developed through a collaborative initiative including the Minnesota Dental Association, the University of Minnesota Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, Delta Dental Foundation, the University of MN School of Dentistry and ACT on Alzheimer's.

Dental Provider Practice Tool

Provides dentists and other dental care practitioners evidence-based protocols for detecting cognitive impairment, sharing concerns about memory and thinking changes with patients, assessing decision-making capacity, simplifying and optimizing dental treatment and offering support and resources to patients with cognitive impairment or dementia.

Dental Provider Practice Tool

Video Tutorials

Use these ACT on Alzheimer's® videos in your work with cognitively impaired patients and their care partners. Presented in clinic settings with real patients, the video tutorials represent best and emerging dementia care practices.

Sharing Concerns about Memory or Thinking Changes

Demonstration video with patient and care partner; sharing concerns

(5:35 minutes)

Decision-Making & Capacity Assessment

Demonstration Video with Patient and Care Partner: Shared Decision-Making & Assessing Capacity to Consent

(12:42 minutes)

Additional Material

See Medical Practice Tools for additional materials. Watch additional video and webinar tutorials to learn more about administering and scoring cognitive screening instruments (e.g., MiniCog) and discussing results of cognitive screening.

Training Programs

Training for All Dental Staff

ACT on Alzheimer’s® Dementia Friendly for Healthcare provides a free 60- or 90-minute training for staff working in dental care settings. The training is conducted by volunteers who are trained by ACT on Alzheimer's to lead the sessions. The training helps workers understand dementia and learn how to create an environment that is safe, respectful and welcoming for people living with dementia. Download a flyer

Objectives for the Training

  • Define dementia and identify early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Employ effective strategies for communicating and interacting with patients with dementia.
  • Improve patient safety and well-being by creating a dementia-friendly physical space.
  • List community resources and services that support patients living with dementia.
Dementia friendly dental practices: Advanced training program

Advanced Training for Clinical Staff

The Dementia Friendly Dental Practices Advanced Training Program is a 6-hour (6 CEU) in-depth curriculum for clinical dental providers covering dementia recognition and assessment, environment and safety issues, ethical and legal concerns, patient management strategies, treatment planning, and patient/care partner support. Download a flyer.

Become a Trainer

Would you like to become a trainer for Dementia Friendly for Healthcare? You don't need any particular experience or expertise other than a desire to help make your community more dementia friendly and comfort in leading a group session.  Complete three easy self-learning steps to become a trainer.