Act on Alzheimer's Granite Falls

Updated 2021 | Status: Active

About our Action Community

ACT on Alzheimer's Granite Falls is a Granite Falls Living at Home Block Nurse Program (GF-LAH/BNP) sponsored initiative. A 2016 mayoral proclamation declared Granite Falls a Dementia Friendly Community. Since then our work has focused on reducing the stigma associated with Alzheimer's and other Dementia Related Diseases (ADRD) and providing support for people living with ADRD and their caregivers. Using the ACT on Alzheimer's tool kit to establish an Action Team, a community wide survey was conducted.

Three focus areas were identified for Action.

  1. Using the arts as a vehicle to provide meaningful social interaction, the Heart2Heart Memory Cafe and the Building Bridges Memory Choir were established. 
  2. Caregiver support groups, friendly visits and respite care programs to allow caregivers personal time.
  3. Educational events such as Dementia Friends training and Virtual Dementia Tours to help reduce the stigma associated with ADRD and promote local services.
Participants at Heart2Heart Memory Cafe

What We’re Doing for Our Community:

  • Established the Heart2Heart memory café, which meets monthly
  • Hosting dementia awareness educational events, such as public forums and a virtual dementia tour
  • Providing Dementia Friends informational sessions
  • Donated dementia-related videos and books to the public library
  • Developed the Building Bridges Memory Choir, based on the Giving Voice Chorus mode

Snapshot of Recent Activities

  • The Building Bridges Memory Choir rehearses weekly and offers public performances.
  • The Heart2Heart Memory Cafe meets the last Thursday of each month at the GF-Senior Center.
  • Caregiver Support Group meets monthly|Friendly visits and Respite Care are offered to Caregivers.
  • Dementia Friend Training is offered to Chamber businesses, local civic and church organizations
  • The Remember Project Drama & Discussion events will be offered virtually to the general public

Key Local Resources

Granite Falls Living at Home Block Nurse Program | 320-564-3235
Avera Home Health Granite Falls | 507-537-9948 ext #2
Montevideo Area Memory Loss Network | 320-321-8241
MN River Area Agency on Aging | 800-333-2433

Contact Information

FacebookGranite Falls Facebook
Contact:  Mark Roisen | 320-564-3235